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List Agents
Monica Ayala
Bugambilias 57, San Antonio, Jalisco monicaayalarealestate@gmail.com 376-766-3654 +52 3335066228
Monica was born in Chapala Jalisco and grew up in Silicon Valley California until the age of 13 moving back to Chapala because her family is originally from the area. She grew speaking both Spanish and English which makes her fluent in both languages. She is very up driven person that   always works very hard towards achieving her goals.Monica started at the age of 21 working as a property manager in gated communities in the Ajijic area, becoming her passion and a currier decision to be in rea
Barbara Wills
Carr. Chapala-Jocotepec #159-A, San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco barbaraw49@gmail.com (376) 766-1776 331-125-8719
Barbara made her dream come true by packing up and moving to Ajijic from Calgary, Alberta in May 2003. She brings with her more than 30 years sales experience where her love for people is a definite advantage. Barbara looks forward to helping you sell your current house and/or find your new home. She believes honesty is the best policy, and strictly adheres to the Bylaws of both professional realtor groups
Verónica Navarro
Constitución #14, Ajijic, Jalisco veronica@chapalarealtors.com 376-766-7000 333-380-4377
I moved to the beautiful Lake Chapala area in 2008 from Guadalajara where I worked in the medical field for eight years as a manager with a major national laboratory. I began my real estate career working as a rentals manager and have since moved on to specializing in sales. I greatly enjoy meeting and working with my clients, many of whom are now good friends. Most importantly, I am thrilled to be doing what I love. Qualifications 15 years in real estate Bilingual English/Spanish Excellen
Mariana Macías
Constitución #14, Ajijic, Jalisco mariana@chapalarealtors.com 376-766-7000 331-829-0997
Originaria de la Ribera de Chapala, Mariana Macias nacio el 01 de Julio de 1996 en Ajijic, Jalisco.  Mariana estudio en la preparatoria regional de Chapala y tiene una licenciatura en mercadotecnia por la universidad de Guadalajara.  Además de su carrera profesional, a Mariana le apasiona el deporte, empredimiento, modelaje y entre ello los concursos de belleza.  Actualmente es modelo profesional y en los últimos 3 años se a dedica a representar a las mujeres jaliscienses y a los mexica
Kristina Morgan (Broker)
Constitución #26, Ajijic, Jalisco askkristina@choosechapala.com (376) 766-4530 or 766-4540 +52 331-305-9974 MX, +1 901-949-3383 US
As the Broker at Lake Chapala Real Estate (LCRE), Kristina brings over two decades of living at the Lake Chapala area, and U.S. licenses as a Realtor, Broker and General Contractor. She is also fully bilingual. Kristina has an uncanny people sense and, as broker, is in a unique position to expertly pair you with the LCRE Agent most suited to your needs. She will then oversee the alliance and make sure your needs are successfully met as you navigate the real estate process in Mexico. Kristina
Otilia Arreola
Colón #2-A, Ajijic, Jalisco otilia_arreola@coldwellbanker.com.mx (376) 766-1152 or 766-3369 332-184-7414
I was born in the north of Mexico in Durango, Dgo.I lived for 12 years in Oregon where I learned and developed my customer service. I decided to return to Mexico in 2005 and since then I have belonged to the Coldwell Banker family in different areas. First in administration, rentals and sales, I have the experience to help you find the perfect property for you. Either to sell, buy or rent.
Juan Miguel Mendez
Carrt. Poniente 262, Plaza La Huerta, Chapala, Jalisco juanmiguel@chapala.ca + 52 (376) 688 17 25 + 52 (333) 189 6405
  Enfocado en apoyar a clientes a realizar sus sueños, Juan Miguel cuenta con más de 30 años en el medio de Bienes Raices.Como residente en La Ribera de Chapala, combina su conocimiento y amistades en la zona para ofrecer un servicio de calidad y humano. Cuenta con experiencia Comercial, DESARROLLO HUMANO y COACHING, disfruta de asistir a clientes a realizar transacciones inmobiliarias inteligentes. Focused on helping clients realise their dreams, Juan Miguel has more than 30 years experie

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