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List Agents
Adriana Martínez
Morelos #4, Ajijic, Jalisco, Chapala, Jalisco 376 766 2077 33 3856 5644
20 años de experiencia en el negocio de los bienes raíces, diplomado en ventas inmobiliarias por la Universidad del Tec. de Monterrey campus Guadalajara, diplomado de empresas por Fojal (Fondo Jalisco de Fomento Empresarial), conocimiento en la comercialización de verticales, finanzas, y estrategias comerciales y administración de inmuebles. Mi objetivo en el negocio de Bienes Raíces es poder asesorarte dándote un servicio personalizado. Estoy apoyada por una empresa con un gran reconoci
Alix Wilson
Calle Chula Vista #10-A, Chapala, Jalisco (376) 766 2612 / 13 / 14 +52 33 1265 5078
  One of Lakeside’s leading real estate agents, Alix Wilson has an enviable reputation of record-breaking sales success founded on her straightforward approach, her intrinsic understanding of people and her specialized customer service. Well known for her individualized high level of service to vendors and buyers, Alix rates communication as a vital key to successful sales results. Taking the time to listen and respond to her clients’ needs, Alix brings an individual approach to each pro
Barbara Wills
Carr. Chapala-Jocotepec #159-A, San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco (376) 766-1776 331-125-8719
Barbara made her dream come true by packing up and moving to Ajijic from Calgary, Alberta in May 2003. She brings with her more than 30 years sales experience where her love for people is a definite advantage. Barbara looks forward to helping you sell your current house and/or find your new home. She believes honesty is the best policy, and strictly adheres to the Bylaws of both professional realtor groups
Alma Rosa Rosas Lizárraga
Balanza #3595 La Calma, Zapopan, Zapopan, Jalisco 3336661452 / 3761061628 3331893375
Born in Sinaloa and lived in Guadalajara for the last 40 years, she is in love with every corner of Jalisco;  In the last 4 years, she was the director of SIERRAVIVA project (42 houses / 100% sold) she enjoyed Ajijic so much that she moved partially here, where she enjoys staying on weekends and whenever she has the opportunity. She is currently developing another project called PIEDRAVIVA in West Ajijic;  She has 20 years as a real estate agent since then she has been trained to give the b
Inesa Manaj
Constitución #14, Ajijic, Jalisco 376-766-7000 333-371-0213
I am a fully bilingual (English/Spanish) real estate agent and property investor with more than 10 years of experience. I moved from Canada to Lake Chapala in 2015 after falling in love with the weather and the stress free nature of the town. Having built, bought and remodeled various properties in different states  of Mexico, I can guide you through the process of buying or selling and also connect you with the  best contractors, developers and any other real estate related services that yo
Tom Barsanti
Donato Guerra #20, Ajijic, Jalisco (33) 2300-4564 or 2300-4563 331 265 1062
Tom is a dedicated and knowledgeable real estate agent in the Ajijic, Lake Chapala area, who will provide you with the highly specialized information that will help you make the right decisions. That, coupled with his unique market knowledge, enables him to get you the optimal price for any property you plan to sell or buy.With over 40 years of marketing and communications experience in the U.S. Broadcasting and Music Industries, Tom is considered a top negotiator. He has a reputation for the hi
Paty Lopez
Constitución #26, Ajijic, Jalisco (376) 766-4530 or 766-4540 (331) 175-9632
Paty was raised in Tepic, Nayarit.  She is the mother of two daughters, one son and a grandmother of three boys.  Paty has 20 years of real estate experience at Lakeside, so she clearly enjoys what she does – finding the perfect home for her clients! 
Maggie Quiroz
Constitución #26, Ajijic, Jalisco 387-763-0911 331-807-7313
Margartia Quiroz Acosta was born in Culiacan Sinaloa, in the northwest of Mexico. She studied Education at Escuela Normal de Sinaloa, graduating when she was only 18 years old. Her teaching career began at the State of Puebla, as a part of the Federal System of Secretaria de Educacion Publica. After two years, she returned to Sinaloa to continue teaching in a public school for the next 6 years. Maggie married an American and spent time in the US, teaching in San Diego and San Francisco, but ret
Leonor Zertuche & Oscar Pérez Nafarrate
Carr. Poniente #262, Plaza La Huerta, Ajijic, Jalisco +52 (376) 688 1725 +52 (332) 183 0915 o +52 (331) 527 4041
Nacidos en Guadalajara y  amantes de la Ribera de Chapala, son además pareja  ambos sensibles y creativos. Decidieron trabajar en equipo en todos los sentidos, esposos y padres de dos hijos, han vivido en Ajijic desde el 2006, lo cual junto a su carácter de exploradores, los convierte sin duda en expertos en la zona.Ambos amantes también del arte, cada uno desde su trinchera, Oscar cocinero egresado de Ingeniería Industrial y Leonor bailadora de flamenco con maestría en Danza Contemporán
Alejandra Venegas
Calle Chula Vista #10-A, Chapala, Jalisco (376) 766 2612 / 13 / 14 3326354631
Lic. Lupita Ambriz
Carretera Chapala - Jocotepec 976-C, Ajijic, Jalisco +52 (376) 766-0387 +52 333 899-0156
With 17 years of experience in the real estate industry, I have accumulated a solid knowledge backed by various courses, including a diploma in real estate from Iteso and the Eco 110 certification. The Eco 110 certification demonstrates my commitment to excellence in the field. As a professional, I understand the importance of building trust with my clients. My academic background and certifications support my ability to provide the necessary advice. Consistency and dedication are fundamental p
Julio Zarate
Ajijic, Jalisco (376) 766-1186 332 525 6244
Soy un apasionado del mundo inmobiliario con un trasfondo único y emocionante. Criado en California, mis raíces me han dado una apreciación por la diversidad y la belleza en todos los aspectos de la vida. Mi corazón late por el boxeo, una pasión que cultivé desde los 12 años, lo que me ha enseñado la disciplina y la perseverancia que aplico en cada aspecto de mi vida. Además de mi amor por los bienes raíces, tengo un cariño especial por los niños y su potencial ilimitado. Mi tiempo
Rogelio Laureano
Carr. Chapala-Ajijic #36-38, Ajijic, Jalisco, 45920, Ajijic, Jalisco 3767662103 3334686116
Rogelio Laureano García, a passionate civil engineer, is venturing into real estate sales with a construction background that offers a unique property perspective. His civil engineering experience, notably in Ajijic, Jalisco real estate development, deepens his market understanding. He emphasizes customer care and tailored solutions. AMPI-certified, he's committed to industry growth. As a local, his friendly demeanor builds client trust. He's excited to apply his sales and real estate knowledge
Mali Cervantes
Calle Chula Vista #10-A, San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco (376) 766 2612 / 13 / 14 3322064758
Juan Miguel Mendez
Carrt. Poniente 262, Plaza La Huerta, Chapala, Jalisco + 52 (376) 688 17 25 + 52 (333) 189 6405
  Enfocado en apoyar a clientes a realizar sus sueños, Juan Miguel cuenta con más de 30 años en el medio de Bienes Raices.Como residente en La Ribera de Chapala, combina su conocimiento y amistades en la zona para ofrecer un servicio de calidad y humano. Cuenta con experiencia Comercial, DESARROLLO HUMANO y COACHING, disfruta de asistir a clientes a realizar transacciones inmobiliarias inteligentes. Focused on helping clients realise their dreams, Juan Miguel has more than 30 years experie
Elena Cabral
Calle Chula Vista #10-A, Chapala, Jalisco (376) 766 2612 / 13 / 14 +52 1 33 3476 5292
I am a new sales agent with Century21. I have a clear projection of my goals and what I want to accomplish, to be obtained based on my main strengths: positive, responsible, lots of initiative and persistence. My clients goals are my goals! Born in a small village named Cocula, Jalisco; the land of mariachi, married, & mother of two; I enjoy living in this beautiful area with its landscapes and its people, while in the company of my family; Degree in Public Accounting, with experience in
Claudette Champagne
Constitución #26, Ajijic, Jalisco (376) 766-4530 or 766-4540 (33) 1418-1716
Meet Claudette Champagne, a seasoned real estate agent with over 30 years of experience serving the Toronto market. With a proven track record of successful sales and renovation projects, Claudette has earned a reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable agent. Claudette has demonstrated her expertise in designing and constructing several Moroccan-style residences at Lake Chapala. Additionally, she has successfully undertaken the renovation and redesign of the Moon Estate, as well as its surro
Juan Diego Allera
Constitucion #26, Ajijic, Jalisco (376) 766-4530 or 766-4540 331 147 9903
Born and raised in Guadalajara, Juan Diego´s studies were in a French school, and later had the opportunity to travel to France various times and where he fell in love with the amazing culture. As a Mexican he speaks 3 languages: Spanish, English and of course, French. For seven years he worked on a family nursery and landscaping business all over Mexico. In 2014, he decided to step back from the nursery and to find new challenges – it led him to goat cheese making and eventually developing
Flip Nicholson
Carr. Chapala-Jocotepec #159-A, San Antonio Tlayacapan, Jalisco (376) 766-1776 045-331-169-6193
Before Mexico, Flip covered a lot of ground between the Rockies and the Midwest. From ranching to the oilfield, hotel business, construction and being self employed, Flip has been working with people all his life, and continues to do so here at Lakeside. Heavily involved in the construction end of things as well as being owner/agent of a thriving real estate office, Flip does manage to get things done. And, no stranger to the stage, Flip stays active in the music scene performing in various venu
Francisco Gomez
Carr.Oriente #57 Int. 1,, Ajijic, Jalisco 376) 766-1186 3312172726
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