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Price Reduction. MXN $ 550,000

Boulevar Cielo Escondido, Lot 9, Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, Jalisco, 45850, Agua Escondida

Welcome to your own piece of the Mexican wilderness that comes with the safety and services of a fraccionamiento.If you love nature, forests, hiking and tranquility, then this is your perfect hideaway, located at the very back of Agua Escondida, yet just minutes from Ixtlahuacan and Lakeside’s conveniences.  This large lot slopes gently upwards from the road to a level area in the middle.  The land contour is ideal for a walk-out lower level entrance.  There are some lovely native trees at the back, plus some healthy eucalyptus and a large nopal cactus at the front.  This leaves an open area for the construction of your country home that has views across the forest toward distant mountain peaks.  Across the road is a stone staircase that takes you down into the beautiful forest with a ravine and winding dirt paths.  Agua Escondida offers reliable electricity and water to the property, yearly road maintenance, plus a garbage drop-off and security at the gate as well as on-call.  Improvements to the infrastructure are active and ongoing, and a new main entrance gate is scheduled to be built soon.  The back part of Agua Escondida has a WhatsApp group, and the resident expats have a Messenger group, both of which are supportive and friendly without being invasive.

General Information:
Subdivision :  Agua Escondida
View :  Mountain
Yard :  Yes
Gated Comm :  Yes
Lot m² :  624.00
Amount $3000
Currency MXN
Due Annually
Fees Include Security, Water, Street Lighting, Garbage,
Frontage :  15.03 m2
Depth :  42.0 m2